By creating the unexpected from the overlooked, Luciano Cigars provides customers with an experience beyond the ordinary: Underrated.
Delightfully sweet and bold, Underrated is not just a cigar, but a statement. Constructed with meticulous care and intent, this cigar is the ethos of Luciano Cigars. Underrated showcases a remarkable fusion of premium leaves and innovative blending. Connecticut Broadleaf and Ecuadorian HVA, customarily seen as wrappers, are reinvented as fillers, alongside Pueblo Nuevo Medio Tiempo. Wrapped with a silky, dark Mexican San Andres wrapper, Underrated delivers a dynamic flavor, both candied and rich.
"After months of seeing Luciano experimenting with these tobaccos, I was in awe when he gave me a mystery to smoke at our factory in Nicaragua last summer. This cigar is a tribute to Luciano’s imagination. His ingenious use of high-quality leaves in non-traditional roles brings forth an unparalleled sensory journey, proving that magnificence often lies unnoticed,” says Ed Trevino, Vice President of Sales of Luciano Cigars.
By embracing contradiction, Luciano Cigars’ latest creation will challenge the essence of value.
"The story of 'Underrated' is about surprise - the unexpected pleasure of discovering something remarkable where one least expects it,” said Luciano Meirelles, President/Founder of Luciano Cigars.
Underrated is a pinnacle of cigar excellence, generously priced to delight aficionados everywhere. As an affordable luxury cigar, 'Underrated' stands out as a sweet yet balanced cigar, featuring a medium-full strength and a robust body that captivates without overwhelming. Underrated will be sold in boxes of 20 and released in four sizes: Sublime, Toro Especial, Robusto Extra, and Corona Gorda. The four vitolas will be priced accordingly:
Sublime - 6 1/2 x 54 $8.50 US MSRP
Toro Especial - 6 ¼ x 52 $8.20 US MSRP
Robusto Extra - 5 ½ x 50 $7.90 US MSRP
Corona Gorda - 5 ⅝ x 46 $7.50 US MSRP
The cigars are produced at the Luciano Cigars Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, and will be shipped to retail partners in January 2024.